Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Be Here Now Project

I get a lot of simple everyday inspiration from Jenni over at Nobody's perfect, but Jenni works hard to live a life full of joy and adventure despite living with a chronic illness - and she inspires other 'sick chicks' to do the same.

Earlier this month, she challenged readers to participate in her 'Be Here Now Experiment' to learn to live more mindfully. You can read about the project here, and discover how others have pledged to live in each moment.

I've decided to join, and my inspiration is the photo I've included below. What does it mean for me to 'be here now'? To be honest, I have no idea what it will look like. But I'm going to dedicate the next 30 days to finding out.


Growing up with a chronic illness, you'd imagine I'd be awesome at it
by now. I'm not. This past year has been one of my most difficult -
not because of flare-ups, but because of the new balance I've had to
create for myself as my mom battled breast cancer and I became a
first-time mom.

I'm almost halfway through my maternity leave (here in Canada, we're
lucky enough to get an entire year off to get to know our babies) and
I feel so much pressure to do things RIGHT. More and more, I'm
realizing that my definition of 'right' needs to change, especially
when my energy is limited. It's so much more important to live in the
moment - to enjoy time with my husband, my baby girl, my mom, my
friends and family - than it is to have a perfectly clean house or a
perfectly balanced made-from-scratch meal.

I've spent the last decade working at ad agencies, so I'm a master
multitasker (and thrive on stress and drama). Much of this year is
being spent de-programming, and learning to be present in each moment. When I play with Briony, I work at *just* playing (and turning a blind eye to the dusty baseboards a few feet away from where we're lying on the floor). And you know what? It's making my life so beautiful.

I want to become more and more deliberate with this effort, which is
why I'm so excited to join the 'Be Here Now' project.


  1. I totally hear you. . great post. .. I had to do the same thing when my Georgia was born. .to be conscious of what each moment could bring us. . not what I was "supposed" to be accomplishing in all the moments ahead. . .great reminder. . .I needed it!

  2. Wow this so sounds like me! how is the project going?
